ZIM Helper Modules on NPM


We have launched PHYSICS and PIZZAZZ helper modules on NPM



and plan on launching the other helper modules this week.

We also have changed to the following package address for CreateJS


Thanks @capi421 for the guidance in setting up the packages.


We have now launched CAM, GAME and THREE helper modules on NPM along with PHYSICS and PIZZAZZ announced above:




It was very satisfying getting working versions inside of React, Angular, Vue and Svelte. We plan on sprucing up the template examples a little and will see if we can post the template examples in the upcoming week. Thanks again to @capi421 for the excellent guidance. We are certainly learning!

It may be that not all of us have tried NPM etc. as a dev environment. Perhaps we could do an Explore video about it - that might be handy and fun.


[EDIT - fixed!] Still working through some app unmount issues with TextureActives working on disposing everything nicely. Something is a little off. Fine on refresh - so will be back at it tomorrow. Got most of the way through and Explore video... when we noticed it happening and have been debugging for a couple hours straight. Tomorrow... back at it.

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The ZIM site Code Page now features an NPM section after the CDN section. We are just about to do the Explore Video - will post here soon.

We have just made two Explore videos on NPM and the templates:

Thanks again @capi421 for the help with all this!