Add custom emojis to the forum! 🤔

to add emojis to the forum, go to admin > customise > emojis.

Another forum i am on, Hopscotch has custom emojis of characters and their logo, and i was wondering if this could be added to our forum, this could have some epic emojis like the beloved ZIM logo.

I would add this, but i am a moderator, not an admin, the permission needed to add emojis.

@pettis @abstract

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Sounds good. @pettis if you locate where to do this... I can prepare some epic emojis!

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We have an emoji component or plugin or whatever they are called... @pettis installed it... can't seem to find it and not sure the customize emojis will populate that.

Not in that tab, its in customise.

Yes... I see the customize emojis and will try that soon. The emoji response - like the heart and thumbs and lightening bolt, etc. is something different, I think and would want to put them in there. Can't remember if there is a max on that.


There isnt, good day :slight_smile:

@abstract Looks like you can find custom emoji's in Customize > Emojis in the admin area. Not sure how it will interact with the discourse-reactions plugin we are using.


How do we manage the discourse-reactions plugin?

Under plugins > discourse-reactions > settings.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: :zim: All new ZIM Forum Emojis!



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