:zim: All new ZIM Forum Emojis!

Read: Add custom emojis to the forum! :zim:

We have just added some new emojis to the forum! :missing: :opart: :owme: :owme_eye: :zim: :zwoosh:

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Ah - found it!

Okay - adding emojis and seeing if then they will show up as options for the reactions...

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Added :owme: and :zim: emojis. And added them to the Reactions Plugin. The OwMe one is a little small and squashed... the ears are too tall. Anyway, will work on a few others soon.


Maybe just the band from the ZIM icon would be better - like the FavIcon from the ZIM site.

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Glad to see it all working though.

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Adjust to just an OwMe_eye :owme_eye: and the Zwoosh. :zwoosh: And added Opart :opart: and Missing :missing:

And kids icon..

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idea to add this new icons to the emojiPicker? and https://zimjs.com/emoji

I think the emojis have to have a code but the ZIM ones do not.

I want to make my own emojis and add the int the emojiPicker as image
This idea https://emoji-maker.com/ or https://emojis.sh/ with ai :slight_smile:
Any idea how?