Click event on Frame?

Total ZIM beginner here (with good experience in WebDev).

I am trying to capture the click event (especially its position) when it happens on the Frame. I looked into the tips and saw that f.on('EVENT_TYPE') should be possible... Why can't I see the log message when I run this code and click over the frame?

function ready() {
	// given F (Frame), S (Stage), W (width), H (height)
	F.on('click', (event) => {
		console.log('Frame clicked!', event);	
	new Circle(100, red).center().drag();

I added the circle here to make sure things are running fine, and I can drag the circle and all...

Hope someone can help. :slight_smile:

Hi @nigini,

Welcome! No question to small or too big ;-). Glad you are here.

The Frame is not a DisplayObject - it does have some events like "ready", "keydown" and a few others. To see the events, go to the Docs DOCS - ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework - Documentation and scroll down to the bottom where it lists Events.

What you want, though, is to put the event on the Stage which is a DisplayObject:

S.on("stagemousedown", ()=>{}); // captures anywhere 

S.on("mousedown", ()=>{}); // captures on any object on the stage 

circle.on("mousedown", ()=>{}); // captures on the circle

// or for click:

circle.on("click", ()=>{}); // captures a click (down+up) on the circle

// note, to get the x and y use F.mouseX and F.mouseY at any time.
// which I guess is slightly awkward as I just said do not use the frame 
// but the frame at any time tracks the mouse so... that is easiest.

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Now I can place all sorts of colorful bubbles on the Stage!!!

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