For the people interested in analysing the sekiller.js file and not being familiar with Turkish (like me) I have made a bare minimum file with most variables translated to English. I also removed a lot of the functionality so that currently it runs, has the 14 color selection boxes and the bottom selected color rectangle and you can floodfill. I removed all functionality to clear the image, load another image or save the image to png. This makes it a lot easier to study how the coloring book works and I'd like to share it with everybody.
function sekiller() {
function rgbaToHex(rgba) {
var matches = rgba.replace(/\s/g, "").match(/^rgba?\(([\d,\.]+)\)/i);
if (!matches || matches.length < 2) {
return 0;
var splits = matches[1].split(",");
if (splits.length < 4) {
return 0;
var colors = [];
for (var i = 0, l = 4; i < l; i++) {
var c;
if (i !== 3) {
c = parseInt(splits[i]);
if (isNaN(c)) {
return 0;
} else {
c = parseFloat(splits[i]);
if (isNaN(c)) {
return 0;
c = Math.round(c * 255);
colors[i] = Math.min(c, 255);
return ((colors[3] << 24) | (colors[0] << 16) | (colors[1] << 8) | colors[2]) >>> 0;
var paintImage; // A reference to the loaded png asset
var paintContainer;
var myBitmapData;
var bitmapImageObject;
var CurrentColorRGB = "255, 35, 35";
var bitmapDataContainer = new Container();
function changeImageToBitmap(usedAsset) {
while (bitmapDataContainer.numChildren > 0) {
paintImage = usedAsset;
paintContainer = new Container();
paintImage.width = 820;
paintImage.height = 580;
if (paintImage.width > 820) {
paintImage.width = 820;
paintContainer.cache(0, 0, 1440, 800);
paintContainer.x = 250;
paintContainer.y = 250;
myBitmapData = new createjs.BitmapData(paintContainer.cacheCanvas);
bitmapImageObject = new createjs.Bitmap(myBitmapData.canvas);
bitmapImageObject.x = 1440 / 2 - paintImage.width / 2 - 50;
bitmapImageObject.y = 800 / 2 - paintImage.height / 2;
bitmapImageObject.addEventListener("mousedown", fillAtPoint);
changeImageToBitmap(new asset("boyama.png"));
function fillAtPoint(e) {
var pt =, stage.mouseY);
myBitmapData.floodFill(pt.x, pt.y, rgbaToHex("rgba(" + CurrentColorRGB + ", 1)"));
zog("kleuren op (" + pt.x + "," + pt.y + ")");
var colorContainer = new Container();
var defaultColors = ["#FF2323", "#FFC300", "#E9FF30", "#E9F86C", "#49E144", "#6FFF30", "#2980B9", "#7ccfff", "#FA3BE9", "#3BFAE9", "#D35400", "#E59866", "#0e0e0e", "#FFFFFF"];
var colorSelectRectangles = [];
var selectedColorRectangle;
function showColorSelections() {
for (var i = 0; i < defaultColors.length; i++) {
rect = new Rectangle(60, 60, defaultColors[i], black);
rect.x = (i % 2) * rect.width + 1440 - rect.width * 2 - 50;
rect.y = Math.floor(i / 2) * rect.height + 120;
new createjs.ButtonHelper(rect);
colorSelectRectangles[i].addEventListener("mousedown", selectColor);
selectedColorRectangle = new Rectangle(120, 60, "#FF2323", black);
selectedColorRectangle.x = 1270;
selectedColorRectangle.y = 540;
function selectColor(e) {
var currentColorbox = e.currentTarget;
zog("Color selected " + currentColorbox.color);
if (currentColorbox.color == "#000000") {
currentColorbox.color = "#0e0e0e";
CurrentColorRGB = "" + hexToRgb(currentColorbox.color).r + "," + hexToRgb(currentColorbox.color).g + "," + hexToRgb(currentColorbox.color).b + "";
selectedColorRectangle.color = currentColorbox.color;
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result
? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16),
: null;