Doing some testing on XR Controllers

We are doing some testing for the next hour or so on XR Controllers, movement and teleporting. So the live code will be in and out of service. We test - then set back. Test then setback. Etc.

Well... I don't know. It seems to be working now - we added some tests in XRControllers XRMovement and XRTeleport - I think it was the latter that was causing an issue. For a while, we were able to cross the controllers behind ourselves and always cause a freeze - or look around really fast and cause a freeze. Now we can't. So maybe we have fixed something. The only reason I hesitate is that I changed the teleporter code back to the original and then I could not break it again like before. So I have put back the new teleporter and perhaps it was because I had new controller and movement checks that the old teleport did not break it. Anyway. We will see how it goes into the future. Just tried about 20 apps - jumping around and loading, etc. and no freezing.