Drag and drop events? Sometimes not firing?

I make a little test for drag and drop where I want to add some shadow to an image when I start dragging and remove the shadow when dragging ends.


This seems to work using the pressdown and pressup events but the events don't always dire.

tile1 is a part of the image "de_emmer-min.jpg" and if you do a slow press-drag-release then everything works fine, but if you do a very quick iteration where you click-move-release in a fraction of a second, then the drag movement is done, but the event doesn't fire and the shadow isn't removed.

Could I be doing somehint wrong? Or do I use he wrong way to do this ?

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>ZIM - puzzeltest</title>

    <script type="module">
        import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/017/zim";

        new Frame(FIT, 960, 540, light, dark, ready);
        function ready() {

            let myShadow = new createjs.Shadow("rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", 5, 5, 10);

            F.on("complete", () => {
                var tile1 = new Bitmap(new Pic("de_emmer-min.jpg"), 300, 300, 300, 300, 1).addTo(S).sca(0.4).drag();
                tile1.on("pressdown", () => {
                    tile1.shadow = myShadow;

                tile1.on("pressup", () => {
                    tile1.shadow = null

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />



So my biggest problem is really that I do always get a start of drag event (although I don't know if I listen to the best possible event for this), but on very fast and small movements I do get the start event but not the end event and therefore the shadow doesn't get removed :frowning:

The problem is most probably a bug in 017 and 016 and doesn't happen in 015. I reported it also in "bugs" category

I can't reproduce it - it works for me. Can you tell if you are getting the console log for the pressup?

no I'm not getting it when I import 017 or 016 and drag and drop really fast. Meaning click drag release in a fraction of a second. 015 captures it perfectly.

Tested under chrome 133.0.6943.142 mac and safari 18.3 (20620. both on mac.

reproduces 100% here

Let's work this through on the bugs post.