Explain Animate with Objects better in DOCS

So in the docs you have:

animate(mesh, {"rotation.y":360*RAD}, 50);

This works well for me. Now if I want to loop and rewind I have to do:

animate(mesh, {"rotation.y":360*RAD}, 50, null, null, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, true);

What is the shorter way to do it?

I have tried animate(mesh, {props,time,ease,loop,rewind});


The deprecated animate({obj,props,time,ease,loop,rewind});.

Use ZIM DUO: TIPS - ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework - Code Creativity with ZIMjs!

  time:50, // this is seconds - is that what you want?

Oh its target:.

I don't see where to use target anywhere in the docs.

Can we get that added please?

Yes... that has been adjusted in the Docs. Thanks.

You do not usually use target as a parameter because you would use the animate() method on ZIM objects. As in:

 new Circle().center().animate();

Then the circle is the target.

But for using the ZIM DUO on with the animate function, you are right... usually it is obj as a param but that conflicts with the original obj that we replaced with props - but still keep obj around as legacy (that is what CreateJS use for their property object).