How can I drag something out of a list / emojiPicker

I like the
but it is clicking on a emoji to show it..

Is it possible to drag out an emoji onto the stage? so I can drag it multiple times..
(now I have to click and than drag)

my example where I want to use it

Thanks to help

If you go back and do a search on Slack, there were some examples of dragging out of a list. In my opinion, it is not worth teaching kids about that. But maybe you are making a little app for them.

yes I'm making this idea

but 2 steps for teachers now always..

There is a drag copies example in ZIM Bits.

yes but not out of a list? isn't it
so I can use that into a list?

Oh ya... it is not a List... so maybe you just need the Bits example of dragging copies. But it is in a Panel... not sure if it is part of a Wrapper or just a Tile. So anyway, you are dragging from one container into another so it will be a little different than the Bits example. But try it out.

I do not work for me.. any help with a list example where I can drag items from?

Here is the List dragging example:

And here is an example with the EmojiPicker:

waauw thanks

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I found error in first zapp
stage must be S (all others are S)

and in the second example any idea to make the expand() possible around an emoji (so it is not possible to click between emojis?

stage is not an error in the Editor - yes, it is an inconsistency - thanks, it has been updated.

expand(20) is the default, expand(0) puts no extra space around, expand(-10) makes it even smaller

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