How to hide in scratch

i found that great example:
ZIM Editor - Build -Reveal a Picture with Alpha Mask

i want to make it but hide the image were the user draw.
becuse i want make animate unsder it.

how can i do that?

Anything in a Container can be revealed with an alpha mask - or any mask. So put the animation in a Container and use that where ever you use new Pic

I dont want show i want erase the top image


Are you trying to reveal something like a gambling scratcher?

Or trying to paint over something to hide it?

Just to confirm that we are all on the same page... because masks are tricky to talk about. Here are our layers from bottom to top

  1. Any DisplayObject that you want like a Pic or a Container with animations, etc. can be made to appear as the "top" object. It is however the bottom object on the stage.

  2. Then the mask goes above that.

  3. The revealed DisplayObject, which can also be anything - a Pic or a Container with animation, etc. goes on top of the mask.

The mask makes it look like the apparent top layer is being erased as it reveals the actual top layer (the apparent bottom layer).

We do not have a way to actually erase a DisplayObject - aside from a Shape() which can have transparent parts. Possibly there are blendmodes that can help too... but I think that is something else.

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