is it possible to pass basic html tags to a Label text as in LabelLetters?
I think so - but only the ones in the LabelLetters Docs under the label parameter.
b, u, i, font, a
Label.text =<i>how?</i>
shows the tags, it doesn't underline the word
put quotes around the whole thing
new LabelLetters("<i>how?</i>")
// or
myLabel.text = "<i>how?</i>"
i put quotes around the whole thing, but the editor removed the `` part ... same if i put '' or ""
I see - you can use three back-ticks (top left on keyboard) to start some code and end the code with another three back-ticks.
So... is it working? It works for us. Make sure you are using a right version of ZIM.
adding as a property works too
thanks for the three back-ticks tip! (how do i insert an image?)
it works for LabelLetters but not for Label
new LabelLetters("<i>how?</i>")
is OK, but
myLabel.text = "<i>how?</i>"
isn't. it shows <i>how?</i>
and not how?
It only works in LabelLetters - as each letter is a separate Label - so we can control things. For a Label, it is all one object, so we have to have everything the same font, etc.