Introductions! Please tell us something about you!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: General Discussion Topic #1

Hello. I am Ferudun Vural. I am joining from Turkey. I am a classroom teacher. I create interactive course content and games for my students. I enjoy using Zim. The only language I know is Javascirpt. However, I create applications for all systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux). I do this thanks to Javascript and zimjs. I would like to thank @abstract and his team very much. @abstract was always helpful when I had problems.


I am Aaron, 49 years old and live in Belgium in a village called Temse. I am a pedagogical ICT coordinator in 7 primary schools. In my spare time I try to create applications that I can use in my schools. I think zim.js is fantastic because I'm not a programmer at all, but I can still get started with it easily. I am an absolute beginner in coding and try to make things with the knowledge I have and discover javascript and zim.js. I especially love creating and discovering things.


Welcome you guys - glad you are here!! Don't be shy, ask any questions you want! Cheers.


Super, I hope more and more people in Belgium will find the way to ZIM by  ZIM Kids | Teleport  I spreading the word in Flanders part of Belgium :slight_smile:

Let's keep this topic mostly about intros and move discussion to other places ;-). I am not sure how to do that... but rather than talk about that here... I am inviting anyone interested to discuss it in this topic: Discourse Tips - Please Add Yours! - #5 by abstract

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Thanks for the invitation Abstract.
Bracer here.
Look forward to seeing how the Zim components have become after all these years !

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Hi Bracer! Welcome. Was thinking about you the other day as I went back into VR for the first time in about a year (since the sunsetting of Altspace).

For others reading this, @LimeGreen was very helpful to us in ZIM NIO (9) where we standardized the component color to be the font color and backgroundColor to be the background color. We also launched STYLE around that time too.


Much love :smiley:


Hello hello! Here's Frank Los from the Netherlands. I love ZIM. And I love SVG-animations. At the moment I make visualisation-software with a library full of my illustrations.


Welcome, @frank. For those you reading this, Frank created the Keyboard for ZIM. Woot! Very helpful. Cheers, and all the best, Frank.

hi @frank , I made your video of SpaceInvaders in ZIM check my version here
without pictures

with pictures and sound, shootings above sprite

with my name and sound and yellow shootings under sprite

Thanks for your cool tuturials on youtube

Greetings from Antwerp Belgium :slight_smile:

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Alas, @karelrosseel82 - I think this is a different Frank :wink:

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Hi I’m James,
I make an educational reading and maths site for 4-8 year olds called ictgames. I started in 1999 making games with Flash then ActionScript. I taught Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for 20 years. I moved over to ZIMjs I think 8 years ago?!? I love it! The documentation and help from @abstract and the community is brilliant. I currently work full time on the games. I am very grateful to @abstract and his team for the wonders of ZIMjs which I love.
Thank you!


You're an amazing creative coder! Thanks to inspire kids with maths an teaching tools!

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Gosh, thank you Karel! That’s very very kind of you!
Have a lovely week!

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Hello, my name is Racheli and I am from Israel.
I have been codeing in ZIM for over 4 years and enjoy every moment :slight_smile:
In our company, Closeapp, we write games and apps in ZIM.
What I like about ZIM is the speed with which you can reach a working product.


I am Brandon Pettis from the beautiful California of the US. Yes I have surfed but it's been about 15 years since I have been on a board. I run a bi-weekly Dnd group with friends. I play a lot of Ultimate Frisbee 2 - 4 times a week. I am a full time sys-admin for a propane company. My boss and I are more of a jack of all trades instead of being an expert on anything. I went to graduate school for web development and marketing.

I started using ZIM for projects about 2 or so years ago mostly to work on personal projects. I have also used it to make some internal work apps. So far using ZIM has been fun and worthwhile.


Welcome @pettis - although that's a little silly to say as you installed the forum!!! Thanks for all that and for your continuing help on various questions, etc. and ideas for ZIM - Pettis helped start the ZIM Pack() code.

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Great to have you and the CloseApp team here @racheli! You requests and observations have led to lots of updates in ZIM! Cheers.