List menu about

Hello. I have a question about List. When I touch the menu items in the accordion menu, I want it to go to different pages.


if(listUnite1.selectedIndex==1){"../selfTakingAdvice/konuTesti1/index.html", "_self")


Here I want to detect which menu is clicked with selectedIndex. The problem is that the selectedindex changes in the drop-down menu. Sometimes the item in the 4th row becomes the 1st item. How can I solve this?

Can you use currentValue (or text)? Most likely that will work unless you have repeats in which case, you may need to assign custom properties to each item and check those.

yes it works. but it will be repetitive situations. could there be something else for this?

The parent element names will be different. Is it possible to access the parent element and then access the child element?

Also, one more question: When we press the "+" button, does the other menu that is opened close? Is this possible?

	const currentID = list.selected.listZID;
	const currentText = list.currentValue; 
	const parentID = list.tree.getParent(currentID);
	let parentText;
	if (parentID) parentText = list.tree.getData(parentID).obj;
	zog(currentID, currentText, parentID, parentText);
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Thank you

Just working on your other question about closing the last one opened as you open the next... I think we are getting there. Will let you know


Oh... list.accordionIndex is the same as list.selected.listZID. Sitll working on the collapsing. It is really tricky - can collapse outer layer but inside layer still are open. So may have to remake the list from the beginning then open it to the selected.

Will have to look again later... brain dead. No easy way to remake the list from within... should not have to remake tabs. But once they are added, they remain added so when you open up a branch you already opened, it remains how you left it inside. We do not have an easy way to close all those. We would have to recursively loop through and close each.... so, later, perhaps. If you just have two levels, we can probably do it now. I have a fix for closing all the first level.

Ok. Thank you.