Making HTML 5 Games the Easy Way - Game Challenge Keynote

Gave the Keynote talk at the Sheridan HTML 5 Game Challenge sponsored by Google Clubs. Here is my "deck" - 40 minute talk about half setting up 4 sample games in VS Code for them. About 8 teams competed and most used ZIM. Unfortunately, the best coders.... just wanted to make their own sprite system. Sigh...

But some cool things. One thing we realized is that using stars in a Mario Bros type game, where you jump and catch is better if you set the stars as sensor - in the addPhysics() and then you can use contact() without bouncing off the stars!


The event was put on at our Sheridan Mississauga campus and was mostly for undergrads of the Computer Programming programs. I teach at our Oakville Campus... in Interactive Media post-grad... a different field. Our grads were still finishing up final projects... it was the day after our exam week. Difficult timing. But fun and very well run. Lots of Pizza!!!!


link to the games?

 ZIM | HTML 5  is the page we made for the talk. It has links to the games in the editor. We are just finishing off the tutorials and vids. On the last one.

The students games are there too?

Oh... I don't think we had a portal for their games - they presented from their laptops.

That can be great showcase and they send it to their family and friends.

True... we have now lost touch with them...

All the games are available in the Editor and have tutorials here  ZIM | HTML 5  and now have been added to CodePen too at

We have featured the main ones on the profile, the others are there under View All Pens. Come on by, fork them and play around with them - give them a heart if you have a heart to give!

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Added the Games to the Game Go banner page

And to the FULL list under ZIM Editor Zapps