One DisplayObject appearing in two places on the stage

Suppose I have a container object which may or may not have been added to the stage.

I need to create a "visual reference" to that container -- meaning, it shows the image of the original (container), but I can add many of them to the stage or other elements, transform them individually, and they would update live. E.g. If my container has a button, then whichever "reference" I hover above -- this button would appear to highlight everywhere, and pressing any of them it would fire its callback.

What would be the easiest strategy to implement that in current ZIM? Besides, I think that would make for a good proposal for a new ZIM component

Here is an example

Concept is to cache the interactive object and make Bitmap copies. Then swap the copies with the original any time the copy is rolled over - and update the cache any time the interaction happens - or all the time in a Ticker if the interaction is animated or complicated.

Thanks a lot! Didn't think of swapping before.
Here I modified this example a bit - now each copy resides in a container that takes all transformations on itself, that way we only need to swap original and bitmap without caring about specific properties that might change

// Given F, S, W, H or frame, stage, stageW, stageH

DRAGALL = true;

const colors = series(red, orange, yellow, pink);

const original = new Container(304,304); // borders go half outside bounds - awkward for caching
new Rectangle(original.width-4, original.height-4, white, dark, 2, 30).center(original);
const button = new Button().center(original).tap(()=>{F.color=colors(); S.update();});

const origCont = new Container(original.width, original.height)
// may as well not be on stage

// make copies whenever you want
interval(1, ()=>{
    // do these for each we make
    const copy = new Container(original.width, original.height)
        .sca(rand(.5, 1))
        .rot(rand(0, 180));
    const img = new Bitmap(original).addTo(copy)
        .on("mouseover", swap);
    // end do this for each we make 
}, 5);

function swap(e) {
    const c1 = original.parent;
    const c2 =;

// need to update the cache when original changes 
function update() {