Suppose I have a container object which may or may not have been added to the stage.
I need to create a "visual reference" to that container -- meaning, it shows the image of the original (container), but I can add many of them to the stage or other elements, transform them individually, and they would update live. E.g. If my container has a button, then whichever "reference" I hover above -- this button would appear to highlight everywhere, and pressing any of them it would fire its callback.
What would be the easiest strategy to implement that in current ZIM? Besides, I think that would make for a good proposal for a new ZIM component
Concept is to cache the interactive object and make Bitmap copies. Then swap the copies with the original any time the copy is rolled over - and update the cache any time the interaction happens - or all the time in a Ticker if the interaction is animated or complicated.
Thanks a lot! Didn't think of swapping before.
Here I modified this example a bit - now each copy resides in a container that takes all transformations on itself, that way we only need to swap original and bitmap without caring about specific properties that might change
// Given F, S, W, H or frame, stage, stageW, stageH
DRAGALL = true;
const colors = series(red, orange, yellow, pink);
const original = new Container(304,304); // borders go half outside bounds - awkward for caching
new Rectangle(original.width-4, original.height-4, white, dark, 2, 30).center(original);
const button = new Button().center(original).tap(()=>{F.color=colors(); S.update();});
const origCont = new Container(original.width, original.height)
// may as well not be on stage
// make copies whenever you want
interval(1, ()=>{
// do these for each we make
const copy = new Container(original.width, original.height)
.sca(rand(.5, 1))
.rot(rand(0, 180));
const img = new Bitmap(original).addTo(copy)
.on("mouseover", swap);
// end do this for each we make
}, 5);
function swap(e) {
const c1 = original.parent;
const c2 =;
// need to update the cache when original changes
function update() {