Remade the Wrapping Physics Example in 017

This was a cool ZIM Badges app but it was before ZIM TEN Physics. We ended up changing to Badges to Certificates. And added the Crystal Clouds game for physics instead of the Wrapping example. Now we have updated the wrapping example for a code pen challenge

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Also available here:

cool I got it

only white line at bottom?

and the present is ?
haha who can do better?

I got it in around 30 - but tried many times as debugging. The white line is just the base - I suppose that should go behind the black. Yes - our present to the people ;-).

I thought more as present a ZIMsong :slight_smile:
jinglebells or happy sound or explosion.. hahz

No - ZIM Learn is a much better present. Bottom is now animating out.

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can into the grey circle be the Z icon?
made with ZIM madeWith isn't there.. or a link make your own physivs game as keepup coding.. haha

here my example WINTERDAYS come to FOSDEM junior 1+2 feb/ 2025 present :slight_smile:
