Scrambler and Chop - moving only 2 pieces of the puzzle

Hi there,
Thanks for the help received for Scrambler.
I have an infant class learning the days of the week.
This is the correct order:

Is it possible for the sake of keeping the puzzle simple, to have only 2 days moveable and the others locked in their correct position? I would need to randomise the 2 days each time.
I will upload the code to see where I am up to at the moment.
It may have something to do with the "key" parameter but I am not sure.
const pic = new Pic("DaysOfTheWeek.png");
const tick = zimify(this.tick);
const replay = zimify(this.replay);
let puzzle;

replay.addEventListener("click", reset.bind(this));

function reset() {
if (puzzle) {


// Load the assets for the new puzzle
F.loadAssets("DaysOfTheWeek.png", "pics/");

// Ensure previous event listeners are removed"complete", onAssetsLoaded);
F.on("complete", onAssetsLoaded);


function onAssetsLoaded() {
if (puzzle) {
const pic = new Pic("DaysOfTheWeek.png");
puzzle = new Scrambler(chop((pic), 5, 1))

puzzle.on("complete", onPuzzleComplete);
//alert("New puzzle loaded");


function onPuzzleComplete() {
tick.vis(true);"complete", onPuzzleComplete);
//alert("Puzzle completed");

function disposePuzzle() {
if (typeof puzzle.dispose === "function") {

if (puzzle.parent) {

puzzle = null;


Currently no. The scrambler has no way to scramble but keep certain ones in the correct place.

Possibly, this could be done by using scramble(); Then loop through the items and use testItem() to see if the ones you want are in the right place. If not, then scramble and test again. Do this in a while loop. That would probably work - if you have a problem doing it, let us know and we can try. Busy much of the day tomorrow, though.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I will have a go at that and see what I can come up with....