SoundSprite problem

load SoundSprite have a problem.

@Yan Why are you loading the file multiple times?

I have a soundsprite fileList,and I don't know which have loaded.
if the loader give a completed event,i can play it
if no completed event,i can't play it,the problem is it!

Just saw this now...

Just so you know, if you want the Stage updating all the time you can use:

// rather than

The preloaded Sound Sprite will trigger the ready event. At that point the sound is loaded. You can't play it until the user interacts with the app. Usually we show a Pane() to start so they interact and then play a background sound at that time. Or if you want, you can add a stagemousedown event to the stage and play the backing sound at that time. If it is just a sound that plays on click or whatever, then that is fine.

Let us know if you still have an issue.