Spurt emitter - only when dropped on correct target

I am working on a "matching object" application for preschoolers (in Adobe Animate).

Shapes are dragged from left to the white shapes at the right. What I can't work out is how to NOT have the spurt emitter when a shape is dropped onto an incorrect matching white shape. At the moment, whenever I drop the shape the spurt is emitted. So I am trying to code it so that only when the coloured shape is dropped on the correct target will the spurt occur.

Here is a visual of the interface....

... and this is the function for checking if the shapes match...

const emitter = new Emitter({startPaused:true});

function test(e) {
questionmark.vis(false);//hides the tick or questionmark when the movieslips are clicked
const num = e.currentTarget;
const miss = boxes.loop(box=>{
if (num.hitTestBounds(box) && !box.full) {
if (num.box) num.box.full = false; // dropping from one box to another
box.full = true;
num.box = box

//---------this is where I think I am having trouble as there does not seem to be a test to see if an individual target has been hot correctly*

		// test win 
		const win = nums.loop(num=>{
			if (num.box != num.good) return false;
		if (win) {
		}else {
			const full = boxes.loop(box=>{
				if (!box.full) return false;
			if (full) {
		return false;
// optional - if we miss then animate back
if (miss) {
	if (num.box) {
		num.box.full = false;
		num.box = null;
	num.animate({x:num.start.x, y:num.start.y}, .7, "backOut")	


Thank you.

Hi Rod, not sure if you have seen this example before - it is doing something similar. There are a few different ways to handle it, but have a look at the code for this and see if it helps. If you still need a hand, let us know. Just put the emitter.loc() and spurt() in the conditional where it is the right one.
