I made the document ltr becuase I have a calculator in this document, and the label of the calculator must be ltr.
Maybe the best solution is adding rtl parameter for Label, and then I will be able to make the document rtl, and only the calculator label ltr.
Perhaps if we set the hidden field to rtl rather than rely on the document setting that this will fix the issue. We have made a version of ZIM that does this. Could you please test it and see if it works. If not, you could check out what we have done and see if you can make changes that help.
This line doesn't help: this.hiddenInput.style.direction = rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr";
This code is working:
document.body.style.direction = "ltr";
this.hiddenInput = document.createElement("INPUT");
this.hiddenInput.setAttribute("id", zim.makeID());
this.hiddenInput.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
this.hiddenInput.value = "מס' הבית ברח' MINA שבו נמצא המוזיאון היהודי";
We tried to add this line: this.hiddenInput.setAttribute("dir", "rtl");
to the ZIM_doc_rtl file, but it does't help.
What would we have to do to the file to make it work?
The one thing that we did not do was hard code your value in the ZIM code. Yet we are getting our value from what is typed on input - see the onInput 30560. So do not know why there would be a difference.