TextureActive Studio Official Launch!


TextureActive Studio is at TextureActive Studio - 2D ZIM in three.js and features over 30 examples of 2D interactivity in 3D and in particular three.js - VR as well.

Here is a three.js Discord post - come give it an emoji! More to come.

Here is the post on Tic Tok

and on YouTube


Cool! I could not see the video on zimlearn so the video is hidden? because it is a "short " video portrait filmed

It is a short.

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In the Editor - Expo page: EXPO: TEXTUREACTIVE - ZAPPS from ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework

Two more to go!



Made it to the end! https://zimjs.com/studio

There is now meta data added to the link:

TextureArctive Studio now has a starting information page that then links into the Studio.

There are now 4 templates to chose from and steps to use the studio examples

The Studio is now available on the front page just above the Store

only add the button into the printscreen to go into VR

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Come give a like over on the three.js forum! Cheers.

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I did
with this example



and catch the butterflies

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More postings on the

page - if you have used TextureActive, why don't you pop on over there and give a heart or a comment, etc. @karelrosseel82 - you have already posted. Thanks.

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