ZIM 016 Launched!

ZIM 016 has launched! There is a new site banner featuring a spiral Shader and little slider at the right by the Dr Abstract icon . The link to new features is on the ZIM 016 at the left of the banner and it goes to https://zimjs.com/016.html This is another very exciting update featuring:

  • Shaders - cool effects using OpenGL Fragment and Vertex GLSL code
  • Emitter Configurator - get the code for perfect particles
  • Speech - recognition and talking
  • Slider range parameters - use two buttons for a range
  • LabelWords - like LabelLetters but with words
  • Threshold - new ZIM Effect and tool
  • ObjectControls - new controller for three.js
  • Sound fade - animates volume also panSound
  • Circle percentArc - makes moon shapes
  • Container normalize and ratio - sequence from middle
  • Google font shortcut - use gf_Fontname to load
  • Indicator - now accepts any DisplayObject

All the features and more are described at https://zimjs.com/updates.html Bubbling vids are being worked on as soon as we post this!

UPDATED: Docs, Updates, CDN, Code Page Template, Editor, Examples, Site Banner, Site Features, About Page, Dev Site, Distill, Banners (Art, UIUX), Map, ES6 Module and Script Pages, ZIM Shim

TO COME: Bubbling Videos, GitHub, NPM, TypeScript, Patreon

Also, we plan on updating a variety of things on the Editor and Slate over the next while. Finally, there will be a new FORUM - woot. Slack will be around for another month or so. And Discord will remain as is. More details soon.

If you have some Emojis in you... now is the time to use them! Donation at https://zimjs.com/donate is always welcome to help spread the word - do not worry at all if you are a student or low on cache - oops cash. Cheers!

Dr Abstract and ZIM Team



The bubbling videos have been released - what we will try is to do a post on each one and that way we can discuss them in their own threads. But if you want to see them, they are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCIzupgRt1pYtMlYPtNTKCtztFBeOtyc0

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Wow some of those shaders are amazing! You also need a special relationship with maths to create them. Great work integrating into ZIM!

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The Features page for ZIM 016 now includes video links

We have just posted an announcement on Patreon