November 25, 2024, 2:22am
Today I am excited to announce the first of many ZIM Coding Challenges!
The Theme
The theme of this challenge is CHRISTMAS!
This means you will need to code something Christmas related.
The Deadline
You will have until Friday, December 20, 2024 6:00 AM to finish this task and submit it here!
Get to coding, ZIMsters!
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December 12, 2024, 8:36pm
Here is my submission. It shows off some basic principles on what ZIMjs can do. Includes SVG blob and squiggles, randomizes presents, has some effects, and uses ticker for a day night scene.
Not too christmassy... but check out Celebration!
Nice... is there any interactivity? That is also what ZIM is good at
ZIM 10 years this year.. with speech() javascript API integration
also start to speak or typ and listen again with the computervoice