ZIM Connectors New Features

Connectors() points parameter now accepts startNode, endNode, startLength, endLength properties

  • startNode - (default true) set to false to not drag from node
  • endNode - (default true) set to false to not drop on node
  • startLength - (default null) set line startLength
  • endLength - (default null) set line endLength

startLength and endLength allow the line corner or curve settings to avoid overlapping. If they were not set in this example, the horizontal parts of the lines would all be at the same height. These work on non-base connectors as well and the startLength and endLength parameters of the line itself accept ZIM VEE so for a quick fix to prevent overlap, you could pass in a line to the connectors with endLength:series(10,20,30,40) or endLength:{min:10, max:100} etc.

// [base, info, startNode, endNode, startLength, endLength]
// or object literal 
var points = [
	[squares.items[1], [0,0,1,0], true, false, null, 150], 
	[squares.items[2], [0,0,1,0], true, false, null, 200],
	[letters.items[0], [0,0,0,1], false], 
	[letters.items[1], [0,0,0,1], false], 
	[letters.items[2], [0,0,0,1], false]

Patched in ZIM 016 but will launch officially in ZIM 017.


This is amazing. I will look forward to use the concept of connectors a lot. By the way, right now, the connectors are of type lines. Is there any plan to have connector of type biezer curves? Later, later on, it could be of type squiggle (or it could be a set of points)?

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To some degree - there is a curved option as you see... and the curve can be adjusted. But not a built in wiggly Bezier. Nor as of yet, lines that curve around boxes, etc. If anyone is interested in coding that to ZIM, we would be open for discussion.

I will try to work with the curve adjustment. If i will have enough time, i will gladly participate in the coding and let you know. Thank you.

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