ZIM Kids now has AI Assets


//~ Included assets (see HELP above): 
//~ AI: ai_monster10, ai_spy07, ai_trees02
// Given F, S, W, H or frame, stage, stageW, stageH

F.color = blue.lighten(.5);
new Rectangle(W,H*.8,new GradientColor([green.darken(.5), green],90))

loop(100, i=>{
    new Sprite("ai_trees02", 5, 4)
        .loc(-100+rand(W), i*2)
new Pic("ai_monster10").sca().pos(100,50,LEFT,BOTTOM);
new Pic("ai_spy07").sca().pos(150,50,RIGHT,BOTTOM);

We are rolling out the interface and examples over the weekend.

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Noticed the hat is slightly transparent. Will have to adjust. Did not notice that the remove background tool in photoshop does this until part way through the processing. Then worked out a way around it. So will have to go back and adjust. I have seen a few more things too - so - a work in progress.


waauw super! looks magical!
idea to add new Speech)

speech.talk("hello how are you")

The main entry point for Assets is the ZIM Kids Slate Assets pages up top:


We have added a promo on the ZIM Kids front page:


The Editor now has a link to the ZIM Assets page in the footer. We may rethink and bring that link up top somewhere... but for now, that is fine.


The Assets page is now in the ZIM Code under TOOLS. This is not a perfect place for it on the site... but for now, that is fine.


The ZIM Asset page has been tidied up a bit at https://zimjs.org/assets/


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This is so fun! I'll send the link to my 11 year old to see what he can do.