ZIM Socket has been Updated


ZIM Socket and the ZIM Socket Page has been updated to use Socket IO ES6 modules (4.7.5). This is good as it bypasses CORS, which also means we can test locally. And... we now just need one script tag:

import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/zim_socket"; // only script needed

This will import the Socket IO, the ZIM socket helper module and the ZIM server urls.

The Updates at https://zimjs.com/updates.html and the Docs at https://zimjs.com/docs.html?item=socket have been updated.

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We have moved https://zimjs.com/socket.html into the current template.


We redid the avatar example at https://zimjs.com/avatar.html to ZIM 017 at 60% the code of the much earlier ZIM code. And we added comments to the top of the other examples about using newer code and pointing to the avatar example.

We compiled most of our socket examples and videos on the new page.

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