Latest version of "@zimjs/game": 2.8.7
throws error in console when 'loop' is used.
Uncaught ReferenceError: loop is not defined
Reverting to version 2.7.1 until fixed.
Latest version of "@zimjs/game": 2.8.7
throws error in console when 'loop' is used.
Uncaught ReferenceError: loop is not defined
Reverting to version 2.7.1 until fixed.
We found a loop that does not have a ZIM in front. But it is also in game 2.7... do you have a line number for the error?
This may be fixed in ZIM NPM game 2.8.8 - we added a ZIM namespace in a loop that was missing it. Please let us know if that works. Thanks.
That fixed it.
Version: 2.8.8 is working.
Thanks so much!