Any idea how this is possible to integrate a spline.Design link

update 15nov.24 to link a 3D object from spline,
so can it be possible to link into a ZIM file the way link can be used to an object, but now to a 3D object?
look to this video how it is simple when it is linked, afterward extra changes can be seen into the full project with multiple objects
(so not anymore gltf exporting needed when it is linked)

so there is a big update

can an api help to use it in spline?

as from

import SplineLoader from '@splinetool/loader';

// Instantiate a loader
const loader = new SplineLoader();

// Load a .splinecode file
	// path to the .splinecode file, either from the Spline servers or local
	// called when the resource is loaded
	(splineScene) => {
	// called when loading has errors
	(error) => {
		console.log('An error happened');

thanks to make it possible as rive :slight_smile:

Will add it as something to consider for ZIM 018 - but that is probably late spring or summer.