Pac-Man with ZIMJS

Wow! Get ready for something absolutely incredible:
A complete Pac-Man game developed with ZIMJS, combined with content and questions!
It's adaptable for any content and design, and of course, for any language!

Pacman Online - ZIMJS


Nice that works very well!

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Wauuw .. so cool!
can you make it in English also?

and maybe as a zapp :slight_smile:

for any content and design, and of course, for any language!

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I am late-- but this is epic! One thing i'd suggest is maybe adding other languages, but cool!


We are creating English versions of all our games right now.
Hopefully it will be up soon.


How is the English version?
I found this pacman game on github.. do you have less code?

We wrote our code from scratch so i dont have less code. (67.7 KB)
Hello @karelrosseel82 . I recently made the pacman game with ZIM. But I didn't use it because I was afraid of copyrights. Some places in the zip file are named in Turkish. You can use chatgpt to figure out the logic.

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I made the map of the game here according to my own ideas. To change it, play with the values ​​in the layout array.

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Waauw @danzen and @Ferudun I got it almost working.. searhing for an S.update() when pac-man hits a ghost.. I had to add some extra S.update codes to animate the scene live.. otherwise I need to scale my browser each time.. but I'm almost finished

can you help me further? I give it dutch text for my kids at school ..
Screenshot 2025-02-13 06.04.01
super fun! what a difficult code!
thanks to share!
GreetZ Karel