Rive games with ZIM for spelling

check it out .. Rive + ZIM games are possible now!

is almost working

see https://x.com/jeffamcavoy/status/1860807604391285016

That one is just Rive.

ok maybe you can tell him ZIM is easier to make games with rive files

Yes - that is pretty frustrating. We will keep a watch on things and perhaps do some comparison builds in the future.

game is now iphone app


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I made a comparison build ook-a-like game: the fish swims towards the letters,
I only need to find out how to catch.
can you help @danzen then we have a real game as RIVE (without Rive)

figure it out...

I'll do.. was thinking this can help a lot
catching with this code of letters https://zimjs.org/kids/bug_sugar.html

he managed to turning that the FULL canvas is used into the app via rive and AI
(look to the video in the x post)

and landscape

how to to it in ZIM so the FULL turns correctly?

not sure what you mean by the FULL turns properly. But figure it out.

Full Canvas?

game is finished
fullresponsive free to play

but ifound already bug on my android phone when turning horizontally