ZIM with AI - various requests

It would be cool if ZIM can show IMAGEN2 Google AI pictures.

Somebody any idea if it is possible to use AI in ZIM to generate a picture with a discription? PALM API free to use
With the suite

this should be possible if I see this video

=> you can test imageFX with Imagin2 here https://deepmind.google/technologies/imagen-2/

so I asked for transparent image and it works

so if ZIM can show directly the picture into the canvas it would be real AI magic!

I found also this https://www.codebreakeredu.com/chat/

only problem was .center(reg) must be .center()

I found this idea of drawing and showing a picture by AI
Can this become also into ZIM when drawing with the pen?


how cool byte makes AI code with ZIM

ml5.js and p5.js works to detect objects;
any idea ZIM can detect objects?